
The underground British singer Tanika is finally back with a freshly squeezed bop, the island-tinged “Sweetest Thing”.

“Heaven knows that you’re mine now / you are the sweetest ting”, Tanika passionately sings over a lusciously crazy fusion of island mallets, guitar strums and cowbells. Give “Sweetest Thing” a quick Spotify stream below:

Pay extra attention to the gorgeously subtle blend of various FX sounds in the mix, adding a whole new dimension to the track. This small element is a huge testament to Tanika’s ability to continuously scour for unique beats to compliment her sweet vocals, something she has done since her very first release, 2013’s Thoughts of Love.

Tanika has been making waves lately due to her brutally raw and truthful music, which she showcased in her collection Out Here earlier this year. This is surely a quality she will continue to exude with her upcoming EP Birthdays in Jamaica, a record the singer said will “show [her] blackness”.

Stay tuned for Tanika!

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