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Today I am proud to hold the very first (!) ShePREMIERE for “Runnin’ Wild,” the debut music video from NYC based singer LEXXE.

In all of its neon-lit goodness and beaming 80s-esque synths, “Runnin’ Wild” captures the awe-inspiring way NYC fills you with hope and inspiration (or, as LEXXE puts it, “endless possibilities, no limits”), while also celebrating the wave of euphoria that comes with being yourself in the face of adversity.


To honor this moment, LEXXE penned a heartfelt letter explaining the backstory to “Runnin’ Wild”:

In 2015, I was graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance from the SUNY Purchase Conservatory. I immediately dove head first into the cut-throat NYC dance scene, and began the defeating process of auditioning for jobs that were more often than not looking for something that I didn’t have.

I am a classically trained ballerina. My childhood was different – all I knew was school and studio. I progressed faster than the others, I was offered company contracts when I was 13. However, my body changed; the lovely body I care for now very often held me back from opportunities that should’ve been mine. It tortured me into losing my love for a lot of things. I was fired on the set of a costume company for “photographing too big” – all 120 pounds of me. Something was wrong here, and on one solemn subway ride home I realized what I was missing the most: the music. My dad was a pianist and my mother a poet, filling my head with Poe and Shakespeare even when I couldn’t comprehend it. Be it Queen or Rachmaninov, we had it in our record collection and you better believe I was listening to it. Losing my father at a young age encouraged me to pursue my dream of dancing to scores on big stages even more. What I didn’t know was that I always wanted the score to be my own.

After auditioning for what seemed like ages after graduation, I found myself running in circles with no potential jobs on the horizon. A short weekend tour with my brothers band MAVYE and a birthday concert to see The Weeknd gave me that “lightbulb moment.” Something about those shows gave me the same goosebumps that I used to get before I went on stage for my solos in The Nutcracker, it was magical. The day after the concert, I reached out to a producer friend (SINDRUM) who I had met in college and I haven’t stopped writing since. I jumped into the deep end of the music scene in Long Island, and met some of the most important people in my life. Their encouragement and support has pushed me to really believe I could do this.

It’s been almost a year since I wrote “Runnin’ Wild.” I asked for an 80s type beat (I love me some Depeche Mode!) and wrote the lyrics and melodies. The hook came to me on my evening walk to an overnight shift on the Upper East Side. Something about the city always inspired me, like many others. Endless possibilities, no limits… exactly what I was depriving myself of. “Runnin’ Wild” is the perfect anthem to my blossoming as an artist, my transition to finding my true purpose. In the same respect it’s a dedication to all of my brilliant friends and fellow artists who have ever faced adversity in their journey. Shed your baggage my friends, this world is ours. At the end of the day, the only one holding us back is ourselves. Own the night, run wild and don’t let anyone stop you.

xoxo, LEXXE

With that said… here is LEXXE‘s music video for “Runnin’ Wild”:

This is a promising debut from a fresh, vibrant young talent with a bundle of energy and ambition!

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