
British beauty Jerry Williams has unveiled the video for her stunning new single “Let’s Just Forget It”, and I wholeheartedly back it.

Let’s NOT just forget it, though – let’s talk about it.

Let’s talk about the way Miss Jerry, like the model that she is, stomps over and parades through a desolate and barren beach with copious amounts of coy and playful glances.

Let’s talk about how Williams’ syrupy smooth vocals coat the track’s intimate production, and the vulnerable highness of her voice when projecting the song’s central lyric, “this cruel world, let’s just forget it”.

Also, let’s talk about how the video’s imagery and the bleak instrumental add a bewildering nature to the comforting and love-friendly lyrics, plus the rapturous mix of thundering crashes and psychedelic guitars in the bop’s angst-fueled ending.

Let’s just watch the video below, and allow your eyes to feast upon such cinematic brilliance:

You won’t forget this, even if you try.


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