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Following the release of “Live in Love” earlier this year, Brit singer Natalie Gray is showing herself to be a goddess of love, unity and acceptance. The gay community have been taking Natalie under their wing, as seen by her multiple appearances at London Pride. I caught up with Natalie about her upcoming music, as well as her thoughts on being accepted into the gay community and her favorite thing about Pride.

You have quite a large sized gay following. How did you begin building that?

To be honest – completely by accident! I was part of a competition last year called “Pride’s Got Talent” where anyone can enter; straight, gay, transgender, dinosaur whatever! And from that I started doing lots of gigs for the Pride team, including playing at London Pride which built me a lovely following šŸ™‚ I also did a UK tour with David Hasselhoff from 2015-2016 which definitely helped get my name out there!

What is it about the gay community that you identify with?

I grew up in a world where homophobia did not exist; maybe that is naive of me, but I was taught we are all equal no matter the color of your skin or the gender you are attracted to. So I guess I identify with the freedom to be who you are, the crazier the better, and to be proud of it! I’m a straight woman and my sexual preference has never been an issue – why should anyone else’s be seen as one?

You supported Alesha Dixon and Jake Quickenden at London Pride in 2016. Which Pride shows are you playing this year?

This year I am playing at the Women’s Stage in Leicester Square, as well as being a part of the Pride official single debut performance at Trafalgar Square. I will also be playing with my band on the Sunday at Pride in the Park debuting our new single!

Whatā€™s your favorite thing about Pride?

I have lived in London for nearly 10 years, and Pride is always my favourite weekend; everyone talks to everyone, everyone is covered in glitter and it’s impossible to not have fun! It’s the one weekend where everyone seems to put all their worries aside and just enjoy!

Which other gay icons do you admire?

Growing up I was obsessed with Madonna and Britney Spears (probably where my fashion style has come from!) I’m a fan of anyone who goes against the grain and is true to themselves!

Who inspires you?

Musically Michael Jackson was a huge inspiration and I’m sure most performers would agree, he wasn’t just a singer – he was an artist. You could never be bored watching him, he always knew how to put on a show!

In general life Richard Branson is a huge hero of mine! He is a self-made man and has never taken ā€˜noā€™ for an answer, always listened to his gut and given 8 million percent to every risk. I also had the pleasure to meet him a couple years back and he is so lovely and down to earth!

I love the bright 80s vibes on ā€œLive in Loveā€ from your upcoming EP. Will the rest of the EP have a similar sound?

Ah thank you so much! Yes I’ve been working with producers Alive By Night on a brand new project that I am so excited to share with you all very very soon! Lots more 80s vibes coming!!

Weā€™re in a really politically charged world right now, with LGBT people still fighting major opposition. How does that impact you, and your music?

The silver lining of the worldā€™s political problems at the moment is watching everyone band together and show that no matter what is pushed on us or trying to knock people back, love and compassion will win. You can never stop that. And I hope my single “Live in Love” sums that up!

What issues are women in music facing right now?

At the moment it seems the industry is still being regarded as a man’s world, however I have a very strong circle of both women and men in the industry around me proving that gender means nothing. Hard work, talent and commitment is what matters and hopefully the rest of the world will catch up with this logic soon enough!

Which non-musical ventures would you like to pursue?

Having a background in dance I’ve always been interested in fitness and different ways to keep healthy. I’m an aerialist and pole fitness obsessive so I would like to tick the rest of the circus skills off my list.

I’m also a strong animal rights activist and would love to team up with Paul Oā€™Grady to save the animals as well as make animal testing illegal worldwide.

What would you like to say to your gay fans, and gay people in general?

Just a massive thank you for your support and love and acceptance of a straight female in your fantastic world of glitter. I’ve never known a community more supportive and fun! Keep strong and keep the love, don’t let anyone dull your sparkle!


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